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“ 劳逸结合 ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-06 20:52:02
  • 《英语作文高三劳逸结合》
  • 英语作文高三劳逸结合



    In our modern society, competition has been increasingly intense, especially in large cities. Therefore, people are forced to work much harder than ever before, so that they have much less time to have a good rest. Rest seems a kind of luxury to them. However, I strongly disapprove of the behavior that spending most of time in working and having no rest. I think it’s the high intensity of work that makes rest important and necessary. There’s a saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. From my point of view, the dull are both in physics and spirit. Without a good rest, no people can pay all his attention to work and do it well. Therefore, people should learn to combine work and play which helps us go further.


    Work and Rest 要劳逸结合

    Now students in our country study hard every day. But it's very bad for our health. Health is very important and it's the foundation of one's success. So how to keep fit?

    Firstly, we should spend time taking exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Secondly, we had better go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Thirdly, we should eat healthy food.

    In a word, we should on one hand study hard, and on the other hand, pay attention to our health.


    I compare like the slow rhythm the life. I thought that the slow rhythm life is one kind of life mannerone kind of healthy point of viewone kind of positive struggleis highly self-confident thinks actually to the life wants to go.The slow lifeis not the support is lazyslows the tempo delays the time.Only then alternates work with restcould find balanced in the ever changing social life.The slow rhythm's life is very good.As soon as comes to be possible to be at oneself the striking conditiontwo come to be possible to let the blood be at saturated and the smooth conditionthree come also to be possible to enjoy the life fully.The rhythm of life has been too quicksometimes will press the human not to gasp for breathbut I hoped that more people will get down slowly as far as possible the rhythmhow colorful under will enjoy our life iswill get down slowly the lifeI believed that you will think will be more substantial.


    Fatigue and Rest

    Scientists have made an interesting experiment about fatigue. When a muscle in the body works, it produces lactic acid, and it is this lactic that makes the muscle tired. Fatigue is not just a chemical process, it is also a biologi cai process.

    We can't just "remove" fatigue;we must allow the cells of the body to rest. Damages must be repaired, nerve cells of the brain must be "recharged," the joints of the body must replace used up lubricants. Sleep will always be necessary as a way of restoring the body' s energy after fatigue. However, a person who has been working hard at his desk for hours may not want to lie down at all when he is tired. He'd rather takea walk!

    Or when children come home from school they want to run out to play... not to lie down and rest. The reason is that if only a certain part of the body is tried the best way to make that part feel fresh again is to make other parts of the body active! We can actually rest by means of activity. Of course, if you are totally exhausted, the best thing to do is to go to sleep!


  • 《劳逸结合400字》
  • 我感觉培养自己的业余爱好,对于自己来说,真的是很重要的。因为我们不是为了读死书和死读书,所以对于自己素质方面的培养也是很重要的。





  • 《劳逸结合400字》
  • 我感觉培养自己的业余爱好,对于自己来说,真的是很重要的。因为我们不是为了读死书和死读书,所以对于自己素质方面的培养也是很重要的。



