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“ peace ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-04 08:33:30
  • 《peace的同义词》
  • peace的同义词



    1.不可数名词: 和平; 太平

    2.[sing] 和平时期

    3.[U,sing] 和约

    4.不可数名词: 安静; 平静

    5.不可数名词: 和睦; 友好


    peacefully;In peace安祥地

    peace-louing adj. 爱好和平的

    greenpeace n.(保护动物不遭捕猎等的)"绿色和平"组织

    peacefulness n. 平静,宁静;平和 同义参见: peace silence

    peace-keeper n.



    peace-keeping n. 维护和平;停火协议的执行 a. 维护和平的;执行停火协议的

    unpeace n. 无和平 不安宁 不安静

    peace-breaker 【法】 扰乱治安者, 肇事者, 破坏和平者

    peace-breaking 【法】 扰乱治安, 破坏和平

    peace-marking 【法】 调解, 调停争端

    peacemarker 【法】 解调人, 调停人, 和事佬


    justices of the peace [ jp ]的复数形式

    peace treaty 和平条约 ,和约

    peacekeeping operation phr. 维和行动

    peace process phr. 和平进程

    peacekeeping mission phr. 维和任务

    peace of westphalia phr. 威斯特伐利亚和约

    peace garden state phr. 和平花园之州,北达科他州(美国中北部州,首府俾斯麦)

    peace lily phr. 白鹤芋(多年生草本,翠绿叶片,洁白佛焰苞,非常清新幽雅,是世界重要的`观赏花)

    peace initiative phr. 和平倡议

    peace advocacy phr. 提倡和平


    The young man did his porridge peacefully,earned his remission and came out.那个年轻人安分地服刑,后来获减刑出狱。

    Trying to be a peacemaker between them, he tried to be clever only to end up with a blunder.他想当他们之间的调解人,却弄巧成拙。

    As he remembered it later, it was like a stroll in company in peacetime through a fragrant autumnal forest他事后回忆起来,当时简直象和平时期在秋天飘散着花香的树林里结伴游玩一样。


    "Recently, UN peace-keeping operations plays a useful role in settlement of the international conflicts"近年来,联合国的维和行动对和平解决国际争端发挥了有益的作用

    Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble国会不得制订任何剥夺言论自由,出版自由及和平集会自由的法律。

    "Lev Tolstoy described it for millions of readers in masterpieces such as ""War and Peace"". "列夫·托尔斯泰曾在《战争与和平》等著作中为读者描述过它。

    "Ireland unfree shall never be at peace"“不自由的爱尔兰将永无宁日”

    Huang Gai came forward and said: "We don't need three months. If not, we'd better throw down our weapons and sue for peace."黄盖反对说:"不用三个月,如果这个月能破敌就破,不能破敌,早点投降!"


  • 《Warandpeace初中二年级作文》
  • War and peace初中二年级作文

    Saving Private Ryan is made in 1999 which sets in the Second World War. This famous film describes the cruelty of war, and show that peace love is always winning at last. Without love and warm, war is the noun which gathers violence, cruelty and advantage until now. Through war, many buildings were destroyed, many families were broken and many lives were over. In conclusion, war is terrifying. War is a disaster. Wars occur again and again as if it weren’t avoided.

    To gain more and more advantages, quantities of leaders use this method to achieve the ambition.

    But I think this way is unnecessary. What one gets back on the roundabouts, one loses on the swings. Maybe you could get good advantages, but many people lose their friends or relatives.

    I am longing the result that love and peace could rule this world sooner or later

    【War and peace初中二年级作文】