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“ very ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-14 06:39:32
  • 《Abusyday70字》
  • It was sunny and very hot today. i got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. then i washed the dishes and cleaned the room. after a short rest i did my homework in the morning. in the afternoon i went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. it was really cool to swim in such a hot day. i surfed the inter and read a storybook in the evening. i really had a busy and interesting day.

  • 《Abusyday70字》
  • It was sunny and very hot today. i got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. then i washed the dishes and cleaned the room. after a short rest i did my homework in the morning. in the afternoon i went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. it was really cool to swim in such a hot day. i surfed the inter and read a storybook in the evening. i really had a busy and interesting day.

  • 《Agoodday》
  • One day, my deskmate came to my house.I felt very happy.

    We went to a restaurant.We ordered the day's specials.

    Then we went to a park, we rode a bike there and we feeded some birds.

    It's the dinner time.I helped my mother set the table,she felt soexcited.

    It's really a good day.

  • 《暑假怎么过英语作文》
  • summer can be very hot in southern taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"c or more. because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. also because of this i stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. actually i like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. in the summer vacation that has just ended i went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. this summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. as a second-year senior student i had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. in other words, i must find time to study, too. so i divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.

    i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. i used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation i simply could not afford to do so. i would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. though those examinations were still a year away, i had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things i had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. at first i was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later i thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer i could count on endless happy summers to come. with this in mind i then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. i was not at all bored by this kind of life, for i was sustained by a hope.

    the summer vacation had come round again. i was happy that i could forget about school at least for a while. lest i fool around all through this summer vacation, i made a plan as to how to spend it. first, i thought i should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that i could have a better understanding of them. then i thought i should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. it stood to reason that with such a good plan i should make the best of my vacation time. i did, because i lived up to what i had planned.

  • 《暑假计划的英语作文》
  •    Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.vvvvvvvvvvvvv

  • 《英文哲理故事》
  • The Man was very sad. He knew that the Cat’s days were numbered.The doctor had said there wasn’t anything more that could be done,that he should take the Cat home and make him as comfortable as possible.

    The man stroked the Cat on his lap and sighed.The Cat opened his eyes, purred and looked up at the Man. A tear rolled down the Man’s cheek and landed on the Cat’s forehead.The Cat gave him a slightly annoyed look.

    “Why do you cry, Man?”the Cat asded.“Because you can’t bear the thought of losing me? Because you think you can never replace me?”The Man nodded “yes.”

    “And where do you think I’ll be when I leave you?”the Cat asked. The Man shrugged helplessly. “Close your eyes, Man,” the Cat said. The Man gave him a questioning look, but did as he was told.

    “What color are my eyes and fur?” the Cat asked. “Your eyes are gold and your fur is a rich, warm brown,” the Man replied.

    “And where is it that you most often see me?”asked the Cat. “I see you…on the kitchen windowsill watching the birds…on my favorite chair…on my desk lying on the papers I need…on the pillow next to my head at night.” “Then, whenever you wish to see me, all you must do is close your eyes,” said the Cat.

    “Pick up that piece of string from the floor——there, my ‘toy.’” The Man opened his eyes, then reached over and picked up the string. It was about two feet long and the Cat had been able to entertain himself for hours with it. “Now take each end of the string in one hand,” the Cat ordered. The Man did so.

    “The end in your left hand is my birth and the end in your right hand is my death. Now bring the two ends together,” the Cat said. The Man complied.

    “You have made a continuous circle,” said the cat.“Does any point along the string appear to be different, worse or better than any other part of the string?” The Man inspected the string and then shook his head “no.”

    “Close your eyes again,” the Cat said.“Now lick your hand.” The Man widened his eyes in surprise.

    “Just do it,” the Cat said.“Lick your hand,think of me in all my familiar places, think about all the pieces of string.”

    The Man felt foolish, licking his hand, but he did as he was told. He discovered what a cat must know, that licking a paw is very calming and allows one to think more clearly. He continued licking and the corners of his mouth turned upward into the first smile he had shown in days. He waited for the Cat to tell him to stop,and when he didn’t, he opened his eyes. The Cat’s eyes were closed.The Man stroked the warm, brown fur, but the Cat was gone.

    The Man shut his eyes hard as the tears poured down his face. He saw the Cat on the windowsill, then in his bed, then lying across his important papers. He saw him on the pillow next to his head, saw his bright gold eyes and darkest brown on his nose and ears. He opened his eyes and through his tears looked over at the circle of string he still held clutched in his hand.

    One day, not long after, there was a new Cat on his lap. She was a lovely calico and white…very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same.

  • 《“乡里妹子”学英语》
  •     "Very good, sit down please. "(很好,请坐)。受到英语老师的表扬,心里美滋滋的。没想到这个从边远农村转学来的、操着浓重的乡音、被同学们戏称为“变奏曲”的“乡里妹子”,能以准确流利的发音朝读课文。我望着躺在铬笔盒中的那面草绿镶边的小圆镜,内心涌起一层波澜,昔日的情景一幕幕浮现在眼前……
        那天夜里,我失眠了。四周一片寂静,只有窗外的蟋蟀不时地鸣叫着。我坐在桌前,摆弄着手里的小镜子,心情怎么也平静不下来,课堂上那刺耳的嘲笑声冲击着我的耳鼓,刺激着我的神经。我焦虑、烦躁不安,手里的小镜子也仿佛要被我捏碎了。突然间,一股强烈的激情涌上我的心头:我就不信“乡里妹子”念不准那些洋字母!我拿起小圆镜,照着我的口型:“ ......”不知不觉,曙光已经照亮了窗口。
