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“ l ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-27 23:40:15
  • 《Mylabor'sday》
  • The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we can take a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I want to play a fully enjoy.

    The first day, I'm going to Yiwu. I by train, Set out from Shanghai, by way of Jiaxing and Hangzhou. The scenery in the journey is very beautiful, There is many hills, But not how many waters, My happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, Because I'm not to like the water very much, Especially big river.

    Keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, I arrived Yiwu. The many people says, Yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, I approve very much now, However the night that I like it. I live the neighborhood in hills, Air is very good, But there is a lot of insectual. The sunlight is very strong there sevral days, Usually in the daytime of time, I sleeping in house, The nightfall go to play. Very quick a week passde by.

    The holidays be over, I felt not how happy, But I hope that I can to breathe the air on the hills again. Expect the labor day of the next year.

  • 《Mylabor'sday》
  • The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we can take a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I want to play a fully enjoy.

    The first day, I'm going to Yiwu. I by train, Set out from Shanghai, by way of Jiaxing and Hangzhou. The scenery in the journey is very beautiful, There is many hills, But not how many waters, My happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, Because I'm not to like the water very much, Especially big river.

    Keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, I arrived Yiwu. The many people says, Yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, I approve very much now, However the night that I like it. I live the neighborhood in hills, Air is very good, But there is a lot of insectual. The sunlight is very strong there sevral days, Usually in the daytime of time, I sleeping in house, The nightfall go to play. Very quick a week passde by.

    The holidays be over, I felt not how happy, But I hope that I can to breathe the air on the hills again. Expect the labor day of the next year.

  • 《乐乐陶陶的拼音,乐乐陶陶的成语意思及歇后语》
  • 乐乐陶陶

    lè lè táo táo




















    乐而忘死 乐道安命 乐极则悲

    乐业安居 乐嗟苦咄 乐而忘忧

    乐尽悲来 乐新厌旧 乐而不荒


    其乐不穷 伯乐一顾 极乐世界

    苦乐之境 广乐钧天 其乐无穷

    苦乐不均 何乐不为 礼乐崩坏


    富比陶卫 富埒陶白 宗匠陶钧

    鹤吊陶母 鲁鱼陶阴 自我陶醉




    乐乐陶陶 陶镕鼓铸 铸成大错

    错落参差 差若天渊 渊谋远略

    略知一二 二缶钟惑 惑世诬民

    民殷国富 富国强兵 兵戈扰攘

    攘为己有 有己无人 人头畜鸣

    鸣凤朝阳 阳九之会 会逢其适

    适得其反 反反覆覆 覆是为非

    非愚则诬 诬良为盗 盗嫂受金

    金门绣户 户枢不朽 朽木之才

    才夸八斗 斗筲之才 才短气粗


    乐乐陶陶 套言不叙 须弥芥子

    自树一帜 知无不为 威而不猛

    孟浪从事 饰智矜愚 鱼溃鸟散

    三人成虎 瑚琏之器 其验如响

    乡曲之情 青云得意 一吹一唱

    长乐未央 养生之道 捣虚撇抗

    亢音高唱 昌歜羊枣 灶上骚除

    出人望外 歪嘴和尚 商彝周鼎

    定时炸弹 胆丧魂消 宵鱼垂化

    花言巧语 雨收云散 三谏之义

  • 《植树节作文英文》
  •     In many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. The origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented. However, Arbor Day, as it is commonly known today, is of American origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the Great Plains. It was first observed in Nebraska in 1872.

        The idea, conceived by J.S. Morton, then a member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, was one of forest conservation. It was a move to promote replanting, following deforestation, and to plant up treeless areas. The idea has spread widely to other lands where it is variously celebrated as the 'Festival of Trees', 'Greening Week' of Japan, 'The New Year's Days of Trees' in Israel, 'The Tree-loving Week' of Korea, 'The Reforestation Week' of Yugoslavia, 'The Students' Afforestation Day' of Iceland and 'The National Festival of Tree Planting' in India. Arbor Day in its various forms is now recognised in more than fifty countries.