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来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-05 12:24:02
  • 《通商惠工的意思及解释,通商惠工的出处、近义词》
  • 通商惠工

    tōng shāng huì gōng


















    通才硕学 通上彻下 通书达礼

    通工易事 通幽动微 通文达艺

    通共有无 通力合作 通元识微


    含商咀征 富商巨贾 含商咀徵

    豪商巨贾 共商国是 参商之虞

    移商换羽 引商刻角 鸿商富贾




    文章宗工 穷而后工 异曲同工

    巧夺天工 能不两工 枚速马工

    消极怠工 鬼斧神工 刻意求工


    通商惠工 工于心计 计劳纳封

    封豨修蛇 蛇心佛口 口碑载道

    道不掇遗 遗形忘性 性急口快

    快心满志 志士仁人 人满为患

    患难相共 共枝别干 干柴烈火

    火灭烟消 消愁释闷 闷闷不悦

    悦心娱目 目不别视 视丹如绿

    绿鬓红颜 颜骨柳筋 筋疲力倦

    倦鸟知还 还淳反素 素餐尸位

    位不期骄 骄奢淫逸 逸闻琐事


    通商惠工 功德圆满 蛮触之争

    正名定分 纷华靡丽 离蔬释屩

    韬光隐迹 急如星火 惑世盗名

    鸣冤叫屈 去就之际 鸡声鹅斗

    豆分瓜剖 破头烂额 恶醉强酒

    揪心扒肝 感今怀昔 悉心竭虑

    绿林豪客 刻骨相思 死生未卜

    博览古今 谨能胜祸 火热水深

    神魂荡扬 养痈自患 欢蹦乱跳

    条分缕析 席卷天下 夏五郭公

  • 《同流合污的意思,同流合污出自哪里》
  • 同流合污

    tóng liú hé wū








    此数贼者,同流合污,败坏国政。(清 陈忱《水浒后传》第二十二回)


    同恶相济 狼狈为奸 随俗浮沉


    泾渭分明 洁身自好
















    go along with sb. in his evil deeds








    同日而论 同日而道 同盘而食

    同心僇力 同类相妒 同声相求

    同心合胆 同美相妒 同休共戚


    汗流洽背 九流十家 溯流追源

    中流击楫 汗流浃踵 尿流屁滚

    屎流屁滚 中流一壸 风流事过


    连珠合璧 悲欢合散 同心合德

    同尘合污 同志合道 斗榫合缝

    日月合壁 通时合变 同心合胆


    负重吞污 川泽纳污 纳垢藏污

    同尘合污 含垢忍污 藏垢纳污

    喷血自污 负重含污 含垢纳污


    同流合污 污七八糟 糟糠之妻

    妻梅子鹤 鹤处鸡群 群轻折轴

    轴轳千里 里通外国 国步多艰

    艰食鲜食 食不充肠 肠肥脑满

    满脸春色 色厉内荏 荏苒代谢

    谢馆秦楼 楼船箫鼓 鼓腹而游

    游响停云 云泥殊路 路不拾遗

    遗簪坠屦 屦贱踊贵 贵极人臣

    臣心如水 水底捞针 针芥之契

    契船求剑 剑树刀山 山鸡映水


    同流合污 无情无绪 许结朱陈

    沉雄悲壮 撞钟伐鼓 沽名邀誉

    吁咈都俞 郁郁青青 轻世傲物

    雾起云涌 雍荣雅步 不求闻达

    大千世界 节食缩衣 以逸击劳

    牢不可拔 巴人下里 李郭同舟

    昼夜兼行 形影相吊 掉头不顾

    故步自画 华而不实 市井之臣

    陈陈相因 饮恨吞声 生非作歹

    戴星而出 楚腰卫鬓 怙终不悛

  • 《关于饲养宠物的英语作文》
  • There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some people claim that keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, can help relieve the loneliness suffered by senior citizens and other social members who are confined to their homes for this reason or that. They also argue that keeping pets helps mankind understand animals' world and develop positive feelings toward them.


    Others, however, hold the opposite view. They regard keeping pets as a useless but harmful thing to do. Firstly, pets can transmit diseases. Secondly, the noises and dung of pets are sources of pollution. Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets, they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem.


    Weighing the arguments of both sides, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my beliefs that only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can us expect to have a lively and colorful world.


  • 《初一英语暑假作文范文》
  •     Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Sud..

        Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!


  • 《哈利波特英文观后感》
  • -" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone".

    Swim in the sea between channeling, there are often one or two the famous big win my appreciation, but when I touched it in a book, for which I have, as it moved, it saw a thousand times, remember the heart. To read a spell, it will come to mind, a long time can not be dispersed ... ...

    Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will appear, with me:

    A man named Harry Potter child, not an ordinary child, born with a bad guy fight with Voldemort symbol, a shaped like a lightning scar. It is a death curse of the remaining trace metal salts., because of her mother's sacrifice of his death became the scar reduction. He was Uncle adopted a very wronged childhood, cousin Dudley always fight with big bully him, so after 11 years. On his 11 birthday, produced an extraordinary things, changed his life. A surface terrorist actually very gentle guards Hager sent him a letter of magic school admission letter, to prove that he is born from one of a wizard's fate. He was very happy to learn, but also know the Diagon Alley and a series of witch world. The school also met two friends, one is stupid stupid brain Ron, there is a similarly to Harry when the child's mother. One is excellent in character and learning of Hermione, there are two ordinary Muggle parents. ( non-magical people ) they work together to save the magic stone, and Voldemort's struggle, finally destroyed Voldemort dreams, won the honor.

    Gustave Flaubert once said: the tragic fate of the complaint, the more painful the more; want to escape, the more feel fear, as well to face it, against it, overcome it, so all the pain and defeat, made brilliant flowers blooming in the hard work of land. Harry Potter is such, he faced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head, chest and brave enough to face, conquer it. The students, no straight roads, however, has a curved, have strong, there are beautiful, there are ups and downs, just have billows, as streams of block, rough, have a song! Our path is not flat, there is ups and downs, bumpy, but we can not bow to difficulties, to Harry Potter to learn, do an honest, justice, courage to face difficulties, despised people in difficulties! Victory always belongs to the people of tough postscript. Let us work together!

    Magic, the wizard has been many writers wrote the old theme. But Luo Lin is undoubtedly the best written. The magic circle to write so real, numerous details woven into a magical net. The book's most attractive is that full of suspense story, each time ending let you Yiyouweijin, be overwhelmed with admiration for. The book is full of foreshadowing, who can think of exceeding one's expectations ending hidden in many details. This is a gripping story, let a person fondle admiringly. Harry the little boy image deep deep in my mind, his loyalty, courage, the pursuit of justice and truth, and the spirit of never yield in spite of reverses, without clearly echoed in my mind. Ever can have thought, a teenage boy, to assume the responsibility to save the world, in the face of death, to endure great pain and grievance, whether I myself can do? Children have been considered naive pronoun, but Harry told them, you may also like Harry to assume responsibility. This is probably the" Harry Potter" my biggest inspiration. I might throw away a lot of books, but there is always a set of shelves in" Harry Potter"; I will buy a lot of books, but also will have a shelf space.