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“ book ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-26 16:34:20
  • 《写到初中生活的notebook》
  •  刚刚踏进初中学园的校门,我的耳边还回荡着爸妈的千叮万嘱以及“学习很苦”之类的危言。初中究竟是一个怎样的世界?像蓄水一样我要把它都储存在记忆的水瓶中,写到初中生活的note book上,..…A,“小A犯事啦!”这个消息瞬间“一泻”千里。听说好像小A上课不专心,班主任就私自翻她的书包找“作案工具”。最后把小A也惹毛了,就与班主任大人对干起来。哇,真cool!全班人马肃然起敬。平时小A的嘴就很厉害,讲的道理、懂的事情比老师还多,这会可真是“英雄有用武之地”呀!好像把x x保护法都搬了出来!老师不拜下风,但终因年老口衰处于守势。(旁问:宣告失败啦?)No}No}老师安有失败之理?批人时开始由“你”转变为“你们”,把“斗争”的矛头指向我们这些手无寸铁,出口不成章的老百姓们。可怜的students B、死一般的沉寂。它是老师的乐园,学生的墓场。这就是闻名世界的—考场。很幸运,老师们的眼睛不是近视就老眼,这给大家带来了充分“发挥”的余地。瞧,特工们正在紧张地“工作”,所有潜能都发挥得淋漓尽致。当然,那些领导级的优等生一个个都从容镇定,“以身作则”。

     而且,几乎每次考试都会有考前哀歌响起。获悉要考试优等生便率领大部分人马去找老师说拜年话,道学生苦。“万岁”声起就意味我们成功(实际上只是考试可以推迟一、两天)。C、我们最政治课。每逢上课政治,武头总要泡沫横飞地讲许多课本以外的知识,大家听得兴致勃勃。有些课黑板根本用不上,而政治课上武头总要一手写着一手擦,粉末飘荡。虽有粉尘污染之嫌疑,但我们仍很愿意。因为那飞扬的可是知识呀!美中不足的是武头的一手“好”字可着实让大家费了一番脑筋。抄板书随时都会遇到“武家狂”,于是乎经验丰富的人便迅速开始鉴别。通过上政治课,知识掌握得好,鉴别字的能力一也有很大提高,真是“一举两得”。n、最快乐的时候是大家与老师欢聚一堂。初一元旦开联欢会,我们准备包饺子。女生们纷纷挽起了袖子,干起了家庭妇女的本职工作—做饭。男生则全被轰了出去打篮球,反正他们乐得吃白食。教室里大家干得正起劲儿,只听“砰”的一声,男生们满头臭汗,光荣地凯旋归来,美其名曰“来帮忙,男女平等”(我看是帮倒忙),风风火火地要和面。幸亏女生眼尖三把抓住几只“狗爪”。一看,oh,my God!黑砂掌重现江湖!好不容易包好饺子,由班主任负责煮熟。由于饺子质量欠佳,一锅饺子成了一锅水煮韭菜、面皮。不过大家仍吃得很开心。一家人的感觉真好!快乐在我们身边。E、中招考场里,看到一个个陌生的脸孔,我不禁倒吸了一口凉气。闭目,静心,我不禁想到张惠妹的《给我感觉》里的歌词:“现在才是关键/最重要的在眼前/抓住还是拒绝/follow/你的感觉现在才是关链/不要再犹豫不决。”是呀,在这决定我命运的时刻,我不会放弃,我的同学们也不会放弃。睁开眼,深吸一口气,我会全力以赴去迎接那挑战。加油,我的伏伴们!三年的初中生活已向我say good一bye了!就像我们乘坐的列


  • 《英文离别祝福语》
  • 1.Life is a profound book. Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding. May you find and create something new in it.


    2.Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.


    3.Time is flying away, and years are passing by. Only our friendship is always in my heart. Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend!


    4.Don't be disappointed on the journey of life. There are friends in the world. Seize your chance and value your opportunities. May our friendship be everlasting.


    5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship; distance does not separate our hands of longing. Wishing you happiness forever!


    6.If I should meet thee,

    After long years,

    How should I greet thee?

    With silence and tears.

    —(Britain) George Gordon Byron

    多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 ———〔英〕拜伦

    7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and me on the other end.


    8.I have three wishes: May our friendship warm our hearts! May joy be always with you and me! May we often meet each other!


    9.If life cheats you, don't be disappointed and worried. Calmness is needed in melancholy days. Believe that pleasantness is coming. Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over. Past things will be pleasant memories. —(Russia) Alesander Pushkin

    假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念。 ———〔俄〕普希金

  • 《狼图腾英文读后感》
  •     "Wolf Totem" Book

        Summer vacation I read "Wolf Totem" This novel, after I read that I benefit.

        In "Wolf Totem", the first so I'm interested in the characters and the vivid description of wolves. Protagonist, Chen Zhen is the embodiment of the author, 30 years ago, as a Beijing youth, voluntary amount to the border of Inner Mongolia grassland Lun jump the queue, as long as 11 years. In the prairie, he drilled holes wolf, dig over pups, or raise coyotes, and wolves fought, but also with lingering over the wolf. Wolf-themed story, written at the time of the environment, has launched a coherent by the dozens, "the wolf story." But the whole book attracted me the most, or the author's depiction of thinking about the wolf. Wolf caught Huangyangchuan a trick. During the day, a wolf eyeing a Gazelle, to not touch it. One dark, Gazelle will find a place to leeward lying under the thick grass to sleep. Moment the wolf not catch it, Gazelle body to sleep, it's nose ears can not sleep, a little movement, Gazelle jumped up and ran, the wolf to catch up. Night wolf is not hands-on, lying dead in the near such a place, such as night, until dawn, Gazelle hold a nocturia, urinary hold up, the wolf found the opportunity to rush to go after, Gazelle run up and not spread urine, run as far tangutica hind leg cramp on a bumpy, it could run.

        In my opinion, we humans should be a good wolf and the sheep of the combination was able, under the conditions of the limited capacity of full play to their level. So we do things, whether man or be sure to remember the same can not be trampled upon like sheep, like wolves, not greedy, we must learn to calm and stable character, like sheep, have to learn to fight the wolf as a positive, united and cooperative behavior. Will be both good together in order to succeed.