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“ 六级 ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-26 06:51:55
  • 《中秋节六级英语作文》
  • 中秋节六级英语作文



    the mid-autumn or moon festival is one rich in poetic(诗意的) significance. ancient legends(古代的传说) that became interwoven with this festival‘s celebration further contribute to the warm regard in which it has always been held by the chinese people. according to the lunar calendar(农历), the seventh, eighth, and ninth months constitute the autumn season. mid-autumn festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, precisely in the middle of this season, when the heat of the summer has given way to cool autumn weather, marked by blue skies and gentle breezes. on this day the moon is at its greatest distance from the earth; at no other time is it so luminous. then, as the chinese say, “the moon is perfectly round.” in the villages the heavy work involved in the summer harvest has already been completed but the autumn harvest has not yet arrived.

    the actual origins of the mid-autumn festival are still very unclear. the earliest records are from the time of the great han dynasty emperor wu di (156-87 b.c.), who initiated celebrations lasting three days, including banquets and “viewing the moon” evenings on the toad terrace. we know that people during the jin dynasty (265-420 a.d.) continued the custom of mid-autumn festival celebrations, and similar accounts have come down to us from the time of the tang dynasty. during the ming dynasty (1368-1644) houses and gardens were decorated with numerous lanterns and the sound of gongs and drums filled the air.(qiewo.com)

    moon cakes came on sale shortly before festival time. in the past, one could get some cakes shaped like pagodas, others like a horse and rider, fish or animals. still others were decorated with the images of rabbits, flowers, or goddesses. there were a myriad of different fillings available: sugar, melon seeds, almonds, orange peel, sweetened cassia blossom, or bits of ham and preserved beef. the cakes are of the northern and southern styles, but the latter (also called guangdong-style) are the most popular and are available throughout the country.

    the round shape of cakes just symbolizes not only the moon but also the unity of the family. therefore the mid-autumn festival is actually a day for family reunion.


    In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion. On this day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion. Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university. However, this special day left a deep impression on me.

    I still remember the atmosphere of that evening. All the students who could not go back home assembled in our classroom, having a party to celebrate this traditional festival. We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm. As an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause. After the two-hour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cakes, played cards, and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates. In that harmonious atmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were far away from our homes

    Thanks to our classmates, I experienced such a colorful and interesting Mid-autumn Day at my university. Thus, I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.


  • 《春日早晨六级英语作文》
  • 春日早晨六级英语作文

    It was early in the morning. I was walking along a pebble path, enjoying the unique tranquility and freshness of the early spring. The path was surrounded by a fresh meadow with some bright scattered primroses. Dew glittered upon the grass and the aroma of the soil pervaded the air. Among the grasses, primroses danced with the beat of wind while the gentle caresses of the sun deepened their blush. Looking forward, we could see trees stretching their branches, which scrambled to get more sunlight.With a gust of wind, they waved their arms elegantly and whispered to each other. As I looked up at a branch, I was surprised to find a bird nest there and heard the timid new born creatures calling. They must be curious about the world around them and wondered where they came from, I surmised.

    As I walked, I heard the talk of the wind and smelt the freshness of the air. With the coming of spring, tender leaves and newly sprouted buds unfolded. Flowers were in their full bloom and canopies began to darken. Nature showed me a world of new beginning and new hope, and a feeling arose inside me.


  • 《永葆青春的秘诀英语六级作文》
  • 永葆青春的秘诀英语六级作文

    Secret of Staying Young

    my secret of staying young is simple: devote your attention to the part of you thats young and growing your brain. keep your mind awake and you will stay young ail over. these are eciting times. take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning at least one new thing every day.

    no matter how old you are, its not too late to make your life more interesting. i know a housewife without knowledge in the past who made herself into an ecellent industrial designer. i know an old electrical engineer who has become a highly paid artist.get over the idea that you are over too old to go back to school. i know a man who entered medical college at 70. he got his degree with honours and became a famous doctor. an other man went to law school at 71 and now is an active lawyer.

    no matter how old people are, staying young is easy for these who live in the future. you can clo it if you are active enough to try. keep your mind awake and active: thats the only youth eliir.


  • 《虚惊一场作文300字》
  • 一实小青云实验小学 六级6班 冯时






  • 《我们家的秋天》
  •     今儿一大早风婆婆就发怒了,刮起了五六级大风。上午,我和妈妈一起顶着大风骑自行车去北京市少年宫上英语课。一路上,秋风扑在脸上,感到寒噢噢的。 阵阵秋风扫落叶,上的叶子就像下雨似的飘洒下来,地上的树叶也漫无目的地随风滚动,追着汽车,追着行人。 我们骑车来到景山后街的林荫道时,路上铺满了厚厚的杨树叶。我们的自行车碾压着树叶发出了沙沙的响声,使人感到很愉快、很美妙。突然,我想起了我们往年玩的“拔根”游戏了。我想下课后,一定要捡一些“老根儿”跟妈妈一起拔着玩儿。 “拔根”这游戏很多人都会玩,它的规则再简单不过了。

        “根儿”就是杨树叶子的把儿,两个人或几个人都可以玩。每个人选择一些自己认为比较结实满意的“老根儿”。两人对阵玩时,一人拿出一个根儿,两人的根儿一交叉,相互挂勾着,然后,同时用力往相反方向拽,比谁的根儿结实,被拽断的一方为输。 课间休息,我跑到妈妈身边来求妈妈跟我玩“拔根儿”。妈妈可能觉得风太大,不太想玩,但还是勉强地答应了。我们每人都找了一些“根儿”。我有一种挑好根儿的“秘诀”,没告诉妈妈。我选出了一根“大黑根儿”拽断了妈妈的五六个“根儿”。我自吹自擂地说:“我这根儿是千年老根儿。”妈妈找的都是那种又粗又大的“根儿”,其实粗的“根儿”,不一定就结实。据我的经验,应该选那神发黑的、韧性好的‘·根儿”。第一个回合过后,妈妈似乎悟出了这个道理,她重新挑选了几个“根儿”就反败为胜了。我那“千年老根儿”和好几个根儿都败在了她的手下。妈妈神气地说:“我这个‘根儿’是‘根儿王’。”

        上完英语课,临回家之前,我们觉得没玩够,每人又捡了一大把“根儿”带回家玩。我们拔呀,拔呀,分不出高低,比不出胜负。妈妈说:“咱们最后一锤定音,谁拔断对方的,最后的胜利属于谁。”我说:“好!’’我拿出了早已藏在鞋里悟着的那个 “老根儿”和妈妈比。这最后一把,我们费了九牛二虎之力,把我的手都弄得生疼。可那“根儿”,丝毫没有动静。妈妈见我的手抓不住了、就把我的“根儿”拿过去说:“左手是我的,右手是你的。”只见她两手把“根儿”交叉,铆足了劲,用力一拽。“咔”,妈妈左手拿的那“根儿”断了。 噢,我胜了!我欢蹦乱跳地庆祝着我的胜利。“拔根儿”既简单又好玩,它使我们家的秋天增添了欢乐。

       指导与讲评 由剑大风写到落叶,由落叶想到了玩“拔根儿”,小作者的思路清晰,因而把事件的起因交待得清楚明白,并且很有层次。 玩“拔根儿”的游戏,这是许多孩子深秋时的“保留节目”。但这次小作者是和自己的妈妈玩,而且是在剑大风的天气里,在少年宫的院子里玩,无论人物、环境、地点都与以前有了许多不同之处,因而也就使本篇日记有了全新的内容和感受。 本文中只写了两个人物,但运用动作、语言、心理等描写手段,使两个人物的音容笑貌都显得栩栩如生、跃然纸上。

         先说小作者吧,总怒耍点小聪明,又是“自吹自擂”,又是 “据我的经验”,甚至把“老根儿”“早已藏在鞋里晤着”,这神态、这心理、这动作,都是儿童特征的真实写照。 而妈妈呢,仿佛又回到了自己的童年时代,在和儿子玩这种儿时的游戏时,也是那样地投入。 因为“拔根儿”的游戏需要用动作来完成,所以小作者所选用的一些动词也是很有特点的,诸如:找、挑、选、拽、检、带、拔、拿、藏、焙、抓等。这样,就使本文的叙述语言显得更为生动和形象。