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“ film ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-28 01:07:16
  • 《英文电影观后感》
  • Every film is famous for a reason.

    I thought for a moment and decided that maybe I should write it in English to better state my point.

    The Shawshank Redemption is a glamourous film. Every character in it is commendable.

    Those prisoners, innocent or not ,most of therm spent two thirds of their lives in that closed damed Shawshank Prison. As Red said they've become"institutionalized". They find life meaningless outside the prison. Old Brook and Red experienced the same outside the prison. They even thought likewise: They want to go back to "where they belong ", they can't endure the life outside, in which they find themselves useless. They want to commit a crime so that they can back and they both think of suicide. Brook did commit suicide while, Red with his unrealised promise to Andy, choosed to live.

    "Get busy living or get busy dying." Being insititutionalized is terrible and awful. That is a man without his own will,without his bright life, a man of no hope.

    Andy crawled to light through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness that a normal man can't even imagine. Through that unbearable 500 yards, he earned his freedom. He embraced the whole bright big outside world that he had dreamed of going back to for 20 years. He smiled in the pouring rain and lightening. That moment I saw a man of his totally free will. That scene reminds me of wallace in film Brave Heart, at the last moment of his glorious life, sceaming out "freedom". Though he died the next moment ,he still earned his freedom, his entire eternal freedom cried out with his hope for his man,his country.

    As Andy said,"Hope is a good thing ,maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Hope is what leads them to a dream of freedom and finally ,to the reality of freedom.
