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“ Chrismas ”有关的作文

来源:文题网 时间:2025-03-04 08:35:12
  • 《圣诞节作文英语六年级》
  •  Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It‘s also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people‘s houses by the track and he put the presents into children‘s socks. So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids‘ socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from Chrismas Fathers.

    翻译:圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔。 也传说称圣诞老人由圣·尼古拉而来,所以圣诞老人也称St.Nicholas。

