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2024-11-08 20:34:56 字数: 点击:


With father a finger-guessing game

Huang Jiaxin

One day, father and daughter go to a park together a finger-guessing game. They are playing sheep happy a sheep and ash too the game of the wolf! Won possibly when beautiful Yang Yang, washed-up is become grey too wolf! Result, conqueror and failure came out! Result, the daughter was defeated, father won. The daughter is laughing to say archly: "Ah! Father, you were defeated. You were defeated..

Fall in their foot, have a lot of a lot of not famous flowers, crying for them cheer! Have yellow, red, flower people in show lovely color to us.

They are really happy today!

Judge: Clear and coherent, the word is written well, wrote scene the activity that kept a person again, so, teacher one glad, you with respect to 100 minutes.


