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2024-11-12 20:45:40 字数: 点击:


I Love Movie

I love watching TV since I was a little child, and the programs I liked are cartoons and TV series. But now, I love watching movie most. The first movie I liked is My Neighbor Totoro(《龙猫》). Since then, I nearly watched all movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki.(宫崎骏)His movies are simple, warm and educational. They are very suitable for middle school students. I watch domestic movie most but I love foreign films. I feel happy and relax when I am watching movie. Movie brings a lot a fun to me and my life. I also make new friends due to movie. We share this common interest and we often introduce movies to each other. I am a student now and my task is to study, so I only spend a little time in movies.




