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2024-11-22 22:02:09 字数: 点击:


Failure is so common in our life.No one can avoid it. When we fail in doing something, we often feel sodepressed that we have no interest in other things. Sometimes failure can alsomake us lose heart. Therefore, no one wants to be a failure.


Success is what we all hope for,because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation. The moment wesucceed, we always feel so proud, as if having everything in our hands. If oneenjoys his continuous success in his career, he will be famous and worshiped byothers.


However, failure is the mother ofsuccess. One failure doesn’t mean you can never be successful. It depends onwhat we do to deal with failure. Those who are always afraid of failure andcan’t go through it will never win. But as long as we can get some lessons andexperience from our failure, we’ll be sure to succeed.



