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2024-11-26 20:03:00 字数: 点击:


There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen.

I have not thought and have not done or felt enough-the early sun, rain and the seasonal delight of flocks of ducks and geese in flight, the mysteries of late-at-night. I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me. There is something more to be of value-something I should find within myself-as peace of mind, patience, grace and being kind. I shall take and I shall give, while yet, there is so much to live for-rainbows, stars that gleam, the fields, the hills, the hope, the dream the truth that one must seek.

I"ll stay here-treasure every day and love the world in my own way!


